America Tonight is a long-running popular radio show, hosted by Emmy-award winning host, Kate Delaney. Kate’s easy-going style will make you feel right at home as you discuss your book. Working from your background materials about your book (a synopsis) and your biography, Kate’s team will prepare her for the 8-10 minute interview. The interview is prerecorded and will be professionally produced before air time. Your interview and book will be featured in the Author Spotlight segment.
The Process:
You’ll hear from Kate’s production team once your interview is booked.
Then you’ll receive an email to confirm a mutually agreeable time to record. Make sure that you are in a quiet place during your recording time.
After the broadcast you’ll receive an audio copy of the file.
You are free to use the audio copy of the interview, anywhere! Be sure to send it to friends and family, post on social media or place on your web site.
Get a 30 second script created by an award winning production team for Kate to deliver, airing five times on 100+ radio commercials across the country. The commercial will sound and feel like a “live-read” or a commercial endorsement. We’ll mention the premise of the book, author name and of course where it will be available. You’ll receive a .mp3 copy of the commercial to use in any other media.
The reach of radio stations across the country is the same with America Tonight.
America Tonight runs across the country from 11 pm -3 am Central Time with 100+ radio station airings. Author interviews air (in most cases) at 12:30 am Central.